Scrunchy Moms Podcast

EPISODE 10: Milk Talk

Scrunchy Moms Podcast


Now that we've got your attention, in this episode we discuss all things breastfeeding. From first latch to the final nursing session, we talk about our experiences with cracked nipples, pumping, introducing formula, weaning, plus SO much more. Breastfeeding is no joke and if it is something you want to learn more about, we've got you covered. Feeding your baby is such a personal journey and we just want to reiterate that regardless of how you choose to do so, you are doing the right thing! Fed is best, whatever that may look like for you and your family. 

This is such a dense episode and there are so many other things we could have shared so if you were left wanting more, or with questions, comments, or concerns related to the topic of breastfeeding and ALL that comes with it, reach out to us on socials @scrunchymompodcast. Talk to you in the next one!

Sarah & Kelsey